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Top 5 Most Popular 2020 Wedding Dates
For brides getting married in 2020, here are the top 5 most popular wedding dates for 2020 according to the newly released Weddingwire Newlywed Report :
October 10, 2020
June 20, 2020
September 19, 2020
October 17, 2020
September 12, 2020
Even though there are many decisions that impact a couples' wedding date - length of engagement, location, venue, budget- the distribution of weddings throughout 2020 heavily favors the latter half of this year, with fall being a peak wedding season nationwide. October will be the most popular month to get married for the fourth consecutive year. Also, it is interesting to note that nearly 50% of all fall ceremonies will take place outdoors.
Source: Weddingwire